Convergency, Milan design week 2015
Convergency, Milan design week 2015
Then in this place came the musicians, express their identity, make know their views but also their desires, advices and requests; so doing they contribute to evolution and refinements of the instrument and its voice.
Similar to guitars, the bass born. Stefano Cerri and Saturnino Celani knowledge allows to finalize its distinctive characteristics and bring to life Excalibur, an essential bass with an unmistakable timbre. The openness towards research and integration of expertise, made fruitful partnerships possible. These includes designers Lorenzo Palmeri and Fabio Novembre who draw the new and original Noah instruments, Vito Acconci, New York artist, that brought to Noah his experimental approach to gestures and Tommaso Rosati, electronic musician from Tuscany, who applied electronic to NoahPIÙ, an innovative system of augmented reality applied to guitars.
Convergency, Milan design week 2015
2006 | Convergency with Lorenzo Palmeri: NOAH PARAFFINA SLAPSTER GUITAR

Produced in 2006, Paraffina Slapster guitar is the result of a close study of musicians’ gestures and theatricality. The first distinctive feature is the presence of a handle created from a hole in the body, with it the instrument is easy to carry and comfortable to wear. Another distinctive feature is the headstock. On the first prototype there was also a slapster at the base of the strings that can alter the sound simply pressing on it with the elbow or with the hand, introducing a new gesture. Later the production went in a more clean direction. In 2013 Lorenzo designs for Noah also a Paraffina bass, one of Saturnino Celani’s favourite instruments.
Designed by Lorenzo Palmeri
Produced by NOAHguitARS
Played by Lou Reed
2015 | Convergency with Caterina Aicardi: NOAH AXXXE GUITAR

AXXXE, unique instrument and moment of convergency with the artist Caterina Aicardi. Technically is the first NOAHguitARS with three pick-ups (HSH) and a vibrating bridge on a lightened body. Externally the instrument is characterized by the usage of red colour: the cover on the back is in anodized red and on the knob was placed a garnet (stone with many symbolic references). Internally, placed in a niche cut into the block connecting the body with the neck you will find the artist’s contribution; hidden from sight, the artwork is the result of an in-depth analysis of the name of the guitar AXXXE (axe, labrys, lightening) that “…has guided its shape and its essence along a path between myth, symbols, energies and matter expressed with signs and
shapes, clear or hidden.” (C.A.)
Designed and produced by NOAHguitARS
Artistic contribution of Caterina Aicardi
Played by Federico Paciotti
2015 | Convergency with Tommaso Rosati: NOAHPIÙ GUITAR

Meeting and mixing between a unique and exclusive Italian electric guitar and an innovative system to “increase” the potentialities of the instrument: the guitar, thanks to some sensors, is a controller to generate analogical and digital sounds in real-time. The potential of this instrument is still being studied: from sound to image, from gesture to performance. One of the most recent experimentation is the convergency of NOAHPIÙ and Remix The Cinema that merges audio and video experience with an interactive installation presented during the Fuorisalone 2015 event in Milano.
2015 | Convergency with Action 30 - Remix The Cinema: AUGMENTED GUITAR INTERACTIVE INSTALLATION

Installation presented during the Fuorisalone 2015 event in Villa Busca Serbelloni in Milano: multidisciplinary meeting and mixing between a unique and exclusive Italian electric guitar, an innovative system to “increase” the potentialities of the instrument and a live project that re-works great classics of the cinema. The interactive installation involves visitors: the guitar, at the center of the scene, is a controller to generate analogical and digital sounds and elaborates images in real-time. The result is not “only” an elaboration of known fragments, produced and reproduced by the visitors playing the guitar, but also a new experience that merges audio and video production. The musician becomes VJ, his gestures magnify the experience and create a perfect interaction between sound and imagine.
Action 30 is a collective composed by artists, photographers, graphic designers, musicians, philosophers, illustrators, video makers, living in Italy and abroad, and connected by the inner need to tell stories, concepts, movements in many ways and change the classic narration to reach new audiences.
2015 | Convergency with Fabio Novembre: NO-NO BASS

NO-NO, moment of convergency with the designer Fabio Novembre, who has the idea of drawing a bass that talks directly about the musician that plays it, starting from a personal logo. The project follows and implements new shapes, mechanical controllers are placed in the “eyes” and the black neck made of carbon flows between the fingers of the musician. An instrument worn as shield and spear.
Designed by Fabio Novembre
Produced by NOAHguitARS
Played by Saturnino Celani
2016 | Convergency with Marco Pancaldi: NU-NOAH GUITARS SERIES

New line NU NOAH shows a deep renewal of the instrument concept: on the fundamental intuition of the aluminium body, for the first time in Noah’s life, a diversification of the electrical solutions (pickup, controllers) and mechanicals (bridges, vibrato) begins. All the details of the new instruments are designed to harmoniously integrate technical and musical evolution of the last half century in order to offer to the musician an easy playing and a melodious and reliable instrument.
2017 | Convergency with Max Pontrelli: NOAH LAP STEEL

NOAHguitARS conceives the Lap Steel guitar as a natural completion of its aluminum hardshell musical instruments offer. The project has been in progress for a few years, necessary to develop a both original and
reassuring creation.
Completely milled out from a unique piece of aluminum alloy, Lap Steel project fully embraces NOAH vision: traditional shapes joined to innovative challenges offer to musicians to augment solution ranges, and new inspiration opportunities. With this model, an interesting interpretation is offered to the musician: the hollowed body and neck turn in to reactive components of the vibrant instrument. The magnetic amplification system is characterized by the pick up selection, which have a different behavior then being on a wood guitar body. The guitar is “alive”, but still extremely under control. The wise and reasoned choices about the electronic parts allows to obtain a great variety of tonal nuances with just a few selection options. This ease of application offers the musician considerable expression freedom. The 25″ length of the diapason scale allows the tuning on lower and deeper registers than traditional ones. Strings thickness has been chosen to retain the best known registers as well.
Lastly, through the use of CNC technology, it was possible to realize some parts usually delegated to existing models on the market, as bridge and nut. NOAHguitARS has been able to look for its own original solutions, as a true single producer of its kind.
Designed and produced by NOAHguitARS
In convergency with Max Pontrelli
Master builder Marco Pancaldi
Played by Ben Harper