NOAH 5875 Lap Steel, the aluminum lap steel guitar made by NOAH GUITARS for Ben Harper,
will be part of the exhibition “U-Joints” at Gallery l’Elac at ECAL – Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne.
Curated by Andrea Caputo and Anniina Koivu, the “U-Joints” exhibition features the first chapter of an ongoing research initiated on the occasion of the Milan Design Week 2018. A large selection of nails, screws, rivets, bolts and nuts is shown alongside products created by international designers and a new taxonomy of basic fasteners, graphically developed by Graphic Thought Facility.
From 2.05.2019 to 29.05.2019
Wednesday – Friday
13 h – 17 h
Galerie l’elac, ECAL
5, avenue du Temple
CH-1020 Renens